BlephEx® is the first and only doctor eyelid cleaning procedure that helps maintain clean and healthy eye-lids. Over 50% of all patients suffer from some type of dry eye and blepharitis symptoms. BlephEx® is a new, in-office procedure that allows your doctor to take an active role in helping prevent, as part of a healthy lifestyle, the risk of dry eye and blepharitis.
BlephEx was created in 2013 by James Rynerson, MD, a board-certified ophthalmologist, as the first patented, in-office procedure that allows eye care professionals to take an active role in treating dry eye and blepharitis by removing biofilm, scurf, and debris from the eyelids. Since the lid margin is the only place on the body that never gets washed, the bacterial formed biofilm tends to accumulate over the years, getting worse as we age. Contact lens wearers are also prone to developing biofilms of the lid margin at a much earlier age due to the foreign body nature of the contact lens.
BlephEx® cleans eyelids to maintain eyelid hygiene.
With regular treatments, as part of a healthy lifestyle, patients may be able to reduce their risk of returning symptoms associated with dry eye and blepharitis. BlephEx® treatment only takes a few minutes to perform.